Supporting our communities

Wherever we work in the world, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标是对人们和他们生活的社区产生积极的影响

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Our approach

As a science-led, patient-focused pharmaceutical company, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的创新药物每年影响超过1.2亿患者的生命. But our contribution to society extends beyond this to include our wider efforts to benefit people and the planet.

Wherever we work in the world, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标是对人们和他们生活的社区产生积极的影响. Our work is delivered through sustainable healthcare solutions that are built upon the principles of health equity, transparency and partnership, working with non-profit organisations, 来自世界各地的协会和社团. We aim to advance patient health, increase access to care, 推动科学创新,为所有人建设健康和有复原力的社区.

Advance patient health
澳门第一赌城在线娱乐支持与澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的核心治疗领域相一致的方案,提高对疾病的认识, improve health literacy, 并使患者能够更好地管理自己的健康.

Increase access to care
We support improved healthcare delivery and access to medication for underserved patients and communities with the greatest unmet need. 这包括在出现人道主义或公共卫生需求时作出反应.

Drive science innovation
We support STEM education and foster learning and development among students and practitioners to build the next generation of scientists and problem solvers.

Build resilient communities
We support disease prevention and public health programmes as well as environmental projects that help strengthen communities and build resilient health systems.

Building a sustainable future


$115 million


$12.1 million



资助的非牟利机构,包括财政捐款, in-kind donations and product donations*


employee volunteer hours

*As at end December 2023. Source: Sustainability Report

Our programmes and activity

We aim to make a significant financial and non-financial contribution to the communities in which we operate. 这包括澳门第一赌城在线娱乐为患者提供的药物和澳门第一赌城在线娱乐对人类可持续性的关注, planet and society.

Product donations

We donate our medicines through non-profit partners who support patients in medically underserved communities for genuine public health need or as part of disaster relief and humanitarian response.

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Humanitarian response & disaster relief

Providing support for disaster relief and humanitarian work is an important part of our contribution to society.

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How we provide funding

We believe a healthier world cannot come from medicines alone which is why we are committed to support our communities and the organisations that serve them. Whether you are a non-profit, patient advocate, medical professional or researcher, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐意识到你们所做工作的价值.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐有几种方式支持澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的社区:财政捐助, in-kind contributions, 员工参与、志愿服务和产品捐赠. 这可以包括加强卫生系统, disease awareness and health promotion, 以及病人支持项目的发展.

In 2023, we gave more than $115 million through our community investment activities to more than 800 non-profit organisations in 76 countries.